(623) 377-5749 amazingleak@icloud.com

A suddenly sky-high water bill is an alert that something may be wrong on your property. It could be due to either a temporary jump in water usage from a newly installed pool, spa or fountain, or you may have a water leak on your property.

We recommend walking the property including all through your home. Shut off anything that uses water, toilets, appliances, faucets, etc. Also, shut off anything making noise like a TV or radio so you have a better chance of hearing water running from within the walls and ceilings. Once everything is off, and you’re sure no one else in the home will run any water, conduct ourÂWater Meter testÂto help verify if you have a hidden leak.

Once you confirm that you have a leak or if you are still unsure, call us and we will be glad to come out and find and repair the cause. Your water bill will return to its normal range before you know it.