(623) 377-5749 amazingleak@icloud.com

If you’re filling your pool or spa more than twice a week or if you’re having a lot of trouble keeping the chemicals balanced, be aware that these are both indications of a possible leak. To be sure, you can try an evaporation test. This simple test can confirm the existence of a leak, even without bubbles in the water.

The Bucket Test. You will need a 5 gallon bucket, a tape measure, and a marker or piece of tape. Set the bucket in your pool or spa on the step or seat (try to avoid setting it on an in-floor cleaning head so it does not tip or get pushed off the step). The bucket MUST be in the water of the structure being tested to keep the water in the bucket the same temperature as the water in the structure.

Fill the bucket just a bit higher than the water level of the structure it’s in. Helpful hint: To keep the bucket from floating, you can add a rock to the bucket to weigh it down. Mark the bucket on the inside and outside at each water level. Be sure that the water is calm so you can get a good mark. Also make sure if your pool has an auto fill pot, or auto leveler, to turn this feature off. Your test is now running.

Wait 24 hours and come back with your tape measure, Measure the drop in water on the inside of your bucket from the mark. This is your 24 hour evaporation rate. Now measure the water drop from the mark on the outside of the bucket. This is how much water your structure has lost. Ideally these measurements should be the same or very close to the same. If there is a large difference, chances are very high that you have a leak. Contact Amazing Leak Detection today to schedule a Leak Test and Repair.